These are luffa's. You can obviously guess which one is who's ...
{You're probably thinking "why in the world is Amanda blogging about Luffas". Well, let me tell you in advance that this blog isn't meant to be interesting, educational, or insightful, I just wanted to share a sweet story}
Anyway, the other night I was taking a shower and I voiced my annoyance about how every time I take a shower I have to take Erik's Luffa off over the faucet to then take off mine. I asked Erik if this also annoyed him every time he took a shower - he of course said that he never thinks about it. Silly annoyance I know, but hear me out - many times I forget that his string is over mine and I pull mine off and they get tangled and then I usually burn my finger on the faucet. So I kinda have a reason to be annoyed ;)
So tonight, as I was in the shower I realized as I took my pink Luffa off the faucet that his blue one was not over mine. That thoughtful husband of mine remembered my complaint and put my Luffa back on top when he was finished using his. It was something so small that made me smile. Erik definitely got some brownie points for that one - and little did he know that something so small would mean so much to me.
As I was thinking about how much this "little thing" was so big to me I was thinking about how much little things matter to me [in good ways and in bad]. I need to think about the little things that make me smile on a daily basis. When I do so I am always amazed at God's amazing grace and love towards me.
Some other little things that have made me smile this week ...
- Coffee/great conversation with 4 very special friends of mine at this season in my life
- The perfect song at the exact moment I needed to hear it
- Baking a cake from scratch and not messing it up or yelling at things in the kitchen in the process
- 18 four-year-old's smiling shyly and happily at me as they walk into my classroom
- Skype dates
- An encouraging message from a friend on Facebook
- McDonald's delivery
- A ride home from school when I wasn't expecting it
- A student telling me "I love school"
- One of my closest and dearest friend getting engaged
- Coming home to a clean apartment thanks to our helper
- Coke
- Finding the new best chips at the store
- Thinking about my sister in Africa
- Kids in pajamas
- American Idol nights
- Thunderstorms
I am sure there are so, so many more little things that I have smiled about this week, but these are the ones that come to mind tonight.
Thank you Lord for Luffa's and little things.
"So, my very dear friends, don't get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures."
James 1:16-18 [The Message]
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