Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Feeling Blessed and Loved

Having a birthday in a different country is awesome because it lasts for longer. Mine basically started on Saturday night here when Erik took me out to dinner at this cool place he found out about in downtown Jakarta. It was on the 56th floor so it had a great view of the city. And it was good food and the most wonderful company :) {And actually ... my birthday kind of started when my parents were here because my mom took me out for a cream bath.} So anyway, that was Saturday night, and then Sunday was a relaxing day at home and by the pool and then we had some dinner with some friends {not for my birthday, but still lots of fun}. Then on my actual birthday {in Indo} I was blessed by my sweet friends and co-workers and of course by my wonderful kiddos. They listened to me when I told them what I wanted for my birthday was for them to listen and be nice - and they were :) When I walked into my classroom in the morning, Erik had a cup full of a couple of my favorite things, my class parents brought me flowers and a yummy cake. Later, my sweet hubby brought me lunch from one of my favorite Mexican places here and I even got a Dr. Pepper from my friend Laura during the day. It was a day full of sweet e-mails, texts, Facebook wishes, and hugs. When I got home from school I heard some music playing from our apartment and I thought that was really weird because Erik was at basketball practice and when I walked in I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but then I saw my iPod was playing the music from my new iPod dock! Woo hoo :) Thanks hubby! Then, Monday night was filled with sweet time with my girlfriends. They made a wonderful dinner full of my favorite things - cheeseburgers with all the fixings, fries, fruit, and for dessert a homemade key lime pie! My friends know me so well :). I ended the night with a wonderful Skype date with my sweet Mama. Words can't express how thankful and blessed I am by all the wonderful friends God has put in my life- and I was definitely reminded how blessed I am today. And it's still not over ... because it's still my birthday in America I am still getting notifications, etc. and I am loving it! :) And we {Erik's bday was earlier in April} even get some more birthday presents and fun when we are home for the summer. So if you want your birthday to last for months, move to another country ;).

Thanks to all of you who took time to wish me a Happy Birthday. You all made my day very special! And a special shout out to my husband, who treats me like a princess everyday, but he went above and beyond the last few days to make me feel special and loved :)

And a special birthday wish to by my little {or big} brother. I am thinking of him today! I can NOT believe he is 16 years old. Holy cow!! He is such a blessing to me and I am lucky to call him my brother. Happy Birthday Josh - I hope you have a great day and feel as special and loved as you are. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mom and Dad visit Jakarta!

As many of you know, Erik and I were blessed to welcome my parents into Jakarta last week. Dad taught all week during our first "Bible Emphasis Week". Words can't really describe how blessed we were to have them come. It was great to show them our life here and experience it with them. It will definitely be a week none of us will forget. 
I know many of you probably keep up with my mom on Facebook and have seen these pictures, but for those of you who aren't, or for those of you who might enjoy my thoughts/captions, I thought a blog might be a good idea. I also love the thought of looking back on my blogs and remembering this special week! ...

Mom and dad's first car ride in Jakarta. In the school car with our school driver on the way back to our apartment after picking them up at the airport. I don't think they knew what to think yet.

After I was done with work on Friday, I picked up mom and dad and gave them a little tour of the school. 

Taking mom to Hypermart (the grocery store below our apartment that I frequent)

On their first night in Jakarta, we took them to one of our favorite places - Amigos. A Mexican place we love. We also went with some of our favorite people - Chris and Katie :)

Saturday morning view from our apartment {mom and dad got to see some rare blue sky while they were here}

After a lazy Saturday morning and a sweet visit to my friend Lindsey, we headed off in the rain to show off Jakarta's malls

Hanging in the mall with two of my favorite guys :)

We couldn't pass up visiting the Magnum Cafe for some yummy ice-cream bars! 

Loving the ice-cream and the company! 

Sunday morning, we celebrated Erik's 25th birthday! Swedish pancakes and a Russell Wilson jersey! 
It was so special to have my parents here to celebrate Erik with us. 

After celebrating Erik, we went to church. We were so excited about showing mom and dad our church home here in Jakarta. It was such a blessing to worship with them right beside us! After church, we went out to one of Erik's favorite places for a birthday lunch! 

After the weekend, Erik and I were busy doing work things, and dad was very busy teaching, but we were still able to do many fun things throughout the week .. 

On Monday night, Erik had a softball game. So much fun cheering him and the other guys on with mom and dad there! 

On Tuesday, I was able to get off work early and spend the afternoon with my mama. We went out to lunch and then she treated me to a cream bath for my birthday coming up at the end of the month. It was such a special time :)


Walking to our cream bath place {Mil and Mat} a place I frequent for mani's and pedi's


Enjoying my first cream bath in Jakarta! They massage your head and upper back/shoulders. It was totally wonderful! 

On Wednesday, Mrs. Melodye got to visit Mrs. Amanda's class. My kiddos were so excited to meet her!

This is what dad was busy doing all week .. teaching and preaching. What he does best :) I heard so many great reports from students and teachers - I know he impacted many throughout the week!

Talking to the Grade 1's and 2's

Talking to the Kindy's :) 

Thursday night we went out to Dinner with a sweet family who works at SPH, and one of our principles. It was a fun night out with sweet fellowship and good food! :)

On Friday, mom visited my class again before we headed up the all school Easter Assembly (the wrap up for the whole week)

My hero :) 

On our last night, Ibu Daisy ordered us some Indonesian food that we were able to enjoy at home before heading out for a fun date night!

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to go to "The Premiere". A fun movie experience where you watch the movie in a recliner! And only for about $7 each! It was a great way to spend our last night together in Jakarta. It helped keep my mind from being too sad :)

Riding up the escalator to the top of the mall for the movie

Mom and Dad enjoying their comfy chairs :) 

We enjoyed every minute that we were able to spend with mom and dad here. We were definitely sad to see them go, but only 62 days left until we're boarding a plane home for the summer. I know the next 9 weeks will fly by. I am already looking forward to our time home this summer, but also excited about the next 9 weeks in Jakarta. Again, I am so thankful that mom and dad were able to come and visit. Thank you all for your prayers for their safe travel. And if any of you ever want to come visit us in Jakarta, let us know ;) 

Love you all! Bye for now! <3