Saturday, December 31, 2011

CHRISTmas is all in the heart

Well, this Christmas was definitely a different one for us. I remember celebrating Christmas with our families last year saying "isn't is crazy that next year we might in Indo at this time?" We didn't know what to expect this year and it was definitely a Christmas that we will never forget ...

We got out of school on Friday, December 16th and on Saturday Erik and I got on a plane and headed to Singapore. When we were deciding what we wanted to do over the holiday, we had many options. We finally decided that a short visit to Singapore would be best. We love life in Jakarta, but it is arguably the most disorganized city in the world. Singapore is arguably one of the most organized and cleanest cities in the world. We thought that a break from Indonesian life would be a great idea - and it was. The trip was the breath of fresh air (literally) that we needed. Someone told me that Singapore is an "Asian America" and I would have to say that we agree. We spent 5 days and 4 nights there. We got around on their subway system - which was easy, cheap, fast, and CLEAN! :) On day one, we went to Universal Studios. It is pretty similar to the one in Hollywood with a few differences. We got to ride some rides that are only at this park and made many memories. Two of our friends that also teach at the school (Ben and Taryn) went to and joined us at Universal. Another day, we went to the zoo. This was my favorite day. We got rained on almost the whole day (but I got a new umbrella so I was pretty pleased). We saw white tigers, kangaroos, orangutans, and many other animals. The zoo does this cool thing at night called a night safari and you ride through another part of the zoo and see the nocturnal animals. It was a full day for sure, but lots of fun! The other days we spent shopping, at the beach area, and just walking around downtown Singapore. Our hotel was a nice place to come back to at night. By the time it was time to come home, we were ready to get back to Jakarta - which meant that it was the perfect vacation :) Here are a few snapshots ...

{There were Christmas decorations everywhere, definitely got us in the spirit a little more}

{We were very excited for Chili's}

After we got back from Singapore, we got ready for Christmas day! On Christmas Eve we went to a service at a church here in Jakarta with Chris and Katie. Before the service we had super taco's (a Fry family tradition) and for dessert peanut butter balls (a Reeves family tradition). After the service, we came home and watch The Nativity Story with Chris and Katie and then Erik and I opened our Christmas presents to each other. Christmas morning, we woke up to our stockings stuff by Santa ;) and we had yummy Swedish pancakes for breakfast. We were able to Skype with the Fry fam during their Christmas Eve festivities so it made us feel like we were there! Skype has definitely been our best friend these last few months. Christmas afternoon, we headed over to some other friends' from the school and had a gift exchange, watched some movies, and played games. It was a different Christmas day than what we were used to, but it was a great one.

{Christmas Eve Dinner with Chris and Katie}

After resting a few days after Christmas we set out to the island of Kalimantan. The part of the island we went to was called Borneo (the Indonesian portion). The island is the only place where orangutans can be found in their natural habitat. We boarded a boat with Chris and Katie and 27 other teachers and families from another campus of SPH boarded 5 other boats, and we set sail down the river. We ate, slept, and hung out on the boat (also called a Kelotock) for 4 days and 3 nights. We stopped along the river at many camps and parks and observed orangutans and many other types of monkeys. We saw cool plants and even got to see and catch some lightening bugs on the last night. It was hot, rainy, and sticky but it was an adventure of a lifetime. I was definitely glad to be home in my own bed, have my own bathroom, and have an air conditioner when we returned, but I really enjoyed the trip. I am glad I can say that I did it :)

Now we are home and enjoying just relaxing in our apartment. We start school back January 9th. Erik and I both feel that we will be ready to go back! This break was exactly what we needed .. fun and relaxing. We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to take fun vacations like this while we are here.

Through all this I have really come to believe the phrase "Christmas is all in the heart" even more. As December approached this year, I envisioned myself just sitting on my bed Christmas Eve and crying myself to sleep because I missed my family so much. I will admit, that I was very sad and I did miss my family more than I have since we have been here, BUT the Lord taught me some amazing things through it. Christmas is all about love and family and celebrating our Savior Jesus . It is not about gifts or even tradition. I got to spend Christmas celebrating Jesus with my best friend and love of my life this year. Yes, I missed my family and close friends back in the States, but we really experienced CHRISTmas here. It was different for sure, but we felt CHRISTmas in our hearts. We made our own special memories together with great friends. This will be a Christmas that we will never forget - one we were had new experiences, and one where we grew closer as husband and wife, and one where we understood the true meaning of Christmas even more.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

T is for Thankful

Since I didn't hop on the ABC's of thankfulness train soon enough on Facebook, I decided I would just post all my ABC's together! I have SO much to be thankful for - there is NO way I can mention all the blessings in my life , and I'm sure I will forget many things that I should mention but these are just a few (some deep, some not so much ... :)
[my goal is to put things I have especially been thankful for over the last few months here in Indo]

A - Our Apartment, airplanes, April (my wonderful aunt, not the month), and ant spray
B- Bahasa Indonesia lessons, my bed, Bluebird taxi's and my Blackbery :)
C- The one and only Cooka, My newest uncle Chris, the coolest cuz' ever, Colby, Christian education at Corban College and SPH, country music and Chris Trammell (mostly because he married the amazing Katie Trammell and because he is such a great friend to Erik) Oh, and college football [War Eagle] AND my Crockpot!
D- My Dad. I just can't say enough how thankful I am for my Daddy. He is such a wonderful example to me. He loves Jesus, my mom, and us kids with all his heart. He is a radical follower of Jesus and he is probably the coolest person I know -He is and always will be my hero.
E-I think this one is pretty obvious. I am SO thankful for my husband, Erik. He is my best friend. He knows how to make me feel better no matter what and no one knows me like he does. He loves Jesus more than he loves me, and he loves me a lot! My life would simply not be the same with out him. I love doing life with Erik. <3
F- Friends. I am SO thankful for my friends. My new friends here in Jakarta especially. I haven't made so many new friends since my first year of Corban, and I love it! And I am so thankful for my many "tree" friends all over the world - I know that you will always be there. You know who you are ;) and ... Facebook, a great way to keep up with friends and family.
G-Grandparents. Daddy Mike, Mama Jo, Granny and Gran. I am SO blessed by these 4 wonderful, godly examples in my life. And they both raised the two best parents I could ever ask for.
H- Harry Potter marathons, Helentina (one of my Kindy assistants), and my home (my earthly one [currently Jakarta] and my heavenly one being prepared for me)
I- Ibu Daisy (my God-fearing, people loving, most hilarious principal), iPod texting, iced coffee, and my in-loves. Erik's parents call me their daughter-in-love and that just sounds so much better than in-laws. But really, I am SO thankful for Karleen and Denny. I love them and I know that they love me and accept me for who I am. They raised one wonderful son :) And of course, the rest of the Fry fam! They are MY family and I love them SO much!
J-My brother Joshua. He is 14 years old and I want to be like him. He loves Jesus with all his heart, he is the sweetest thing I know, and he gives the BEST hugs. And he is pretty funny sometimes! ;)
K-Katie Trammell. I do not know what I would do without her here. Her friendship to me is priceless and I am so amazed at God's timing in bringing us both here together at this time in our lives. And of course my 24 little kindergartners - they bring me SO much joy!
L-My life would not be the same without laughter. I am also thankful for little notes of encouragement and my laptop.
M- Two very special people in my life start with this letter. My amazing mother, Melodye, and my bestest friend, Mindy ... I can talk to my mom about anything and everything. I am never afraid to be myself around her. She is funny, sweet, and encouraging. She is striving daily to follow the Lord with all her heart and she such a good example of what a loving mother and wife should be. I am so thankful for her and her friendship ... Mindy is my best friend through thick and thin. She knows me and I know her. I know she will always be there and that means more to me than anything. My life would not be the same without these two women. (I know this is already long enough but I can't leave out Mia - my fearless Kindy assistant. I have NO idea what I would do without her help and sweet smile)
N- Fried noodles (a good choice when nothing else at the school canteen sounds good), naps, and new adventures!
O- I am SO thankful for my Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God! What an amazing God I serve! He is ALL powerful, in control of EVERYTHING, and EVERYWHERE!
P- People, Pizza Hut delivery, pedestrian crosswalks (which are few and far between here), David Platt and PRAYER. I am so thankful that I can pray to my God anytime, anywhere, and talk to him about anything. What a blessing to be able to communicate with GOD!
Q- Quiddler games with my hubby, and quiet times - quiet times with my kiddos and quiet times with God.
R- Reading, rupiah, relaxing holidays, and my relationship with Jesus. I am so thankful for my personal, real Savior, Jesus, and the relationship that I am able to have with him and the Father because of the cross.
S- Sisters. My two sisters are two of my favorite people in the whole world. I would hang out with them anytime, anywhere. They make me laugh until I cry, they encourage me, make fun of me, and inspire me. Lauren and Natalie are two amazing younger sisters who I look up to. They are my very best friends. And of course Skype! :)
T- Teachers who help me become a better teacher, time off, and God's timing - it IS perfect, always!
U- Even though some days I dread putting it on AGAIN, I am really thankful for my school uniform. I love not having to worry about what I am going to wear! And my Uncle David!
V- Very well behaved children, and Victory in Jesus! One of my favorite songs says it like this: "There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in VICTORY Sin's curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ"
W- Water, walking, Clorox wipes :)
X- Hmmm ... nothing's coming to me ...
Y- Yummy food, (and Yummy brand stuff ... they have good cheese, milk, and ice cream here)
Z- I am thankful that I have a zillion things to be thankful for :) .. I could go back and add at least 10 more things to every letter and still not have said even close to all the little (and big) things I am thankful for. I am SO blessed and as I count my blessings this year I am thankful to my GOD and Savior who has given me all of these wonderful things that I don't deserve and that I didn't earn.

Thank you Lord <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Busy times!

Well, the last few weeks have been pretty busy here in the life of Erik and Amanda! Here are some of the things that have been going on since I last checked in ...
  • Two professors from Corban came to Jakarta! Dr. Matt Lucas is the Provost at Corban and Janine Allen is the Dean of Education. Matt is one of the main people who really encouraged me and Erik to come here. Their main connection recently has been UPH (University Pelitah Harapan) - the college here. Their main reason for the visit was to do some work there and to also visit some other schools! It was SO great to visit with them and see some familiar faces.

{left~right: Janine, Katie, Chris, Me, Erik, Matt, Kaitlyn and Chaney}
{Kaitlyn and and Chaney are two other teachers here from Corban}

  • Last weekend Erik, Chris, Katie and I went out to one of the other SPH campuses and participated in a fund raiser trivia night. Chris got these fake mustaches from his brother so we decided to theme ourselves around the mustaches! It was a fun night! We didn't end up winning - but we were close - even if we were one of the youngest tables there :)

{left~right: Chaney, Grace, Patrick, Erik, Me, Lindsey,
Katie, and Becky. Ben and Chris are in the back}
  • My class led chapel! Each Wednesday, the primary school (K1-G2) get together for chapel. Each week a teacher/class is assigned the story part. Luckily, my time didn't come until October! :) Our story was baby Moses. Leading up to chapel my kids were soooo excited. We even had a countdown chain - that's how stoked they were! Here is everyone right after we acted out the story of Moses!

  • We had our first parent teacher conferences. I met with 24 parents, and Erik met with about 6! Overall, they went very well and they were very encouraging. You never know what to expect from parents in a new place and because I am basically a first year teacher, I was pretty nervous. But, I can really say that the majority of my parents are wonderful and very supportive! :)

  • Mixed in with our parent teacher conferences, we had professional development days. Our campus (Kemang Village) hosted all the other schools for these 2 days. There are 3 other campuses so it was a lot of fun to be all together for those days. We hosted two of the teachers from the other schools during the training - so that added even more fun :)

  • Some totally random news [but very exciting for me] ... We started having a maid (or helpers as they are called here) this week. She works for our friend during the week, but we will use her one day a week now. I came home today to a spotless kitchen and bathroom - so I am a pretty happy girl tonight!

  • This Friday [November 4] a group of 10 of us are heading out to another island (West Timor) in Indonesia to visit an orphanage there. The city there is called Kupang and the name of the orphanage is called Roslin. I am SO, SO excited. We are taking a lot of supplies and resources the them to use. Many kids at Roslin, also attend the school there so they are in need of lots of supplies - and of course lots of hugs, kisses, and love which I will bring endless amounts of! Please be praying for safety, health, and rest during the trip. We leave on the 4th and return the 7th. Then we start school back on the 9th so we will have a day to rest and get ready for the rest of November and December!

  • We are planning two awesome trips for our Christmas holiday but I will have to tell you about that on another blog :)

Well, I think that is about it for now! Life is busy - but we are lovin' it! <3

Friday, September 30, 2011

I can't think of a creative title ...

Well, it has been awhile since I have posted a real good update on what's going on in our world over here, so I thought I would. I have nothing too profound or important to share, just some pictures and a little update on our adventure that we're loving :)

Prayer time in K-2 ... it just melts my heart to look at this picture. Devotion time in the morning is a very special time for me. I am so blessed to be able to pray to God with these wonderful, beautiful children everyday.

On a different note ... It is kind of hard to tell in the picture, but these towels are soaked. A couple of Monday's ago, I probably had the worst Monday I have ever had. Erik and I went to bed with and woke up with a pool of water on our kitchen floor. We found out later that our neighbors water was leaking through the wall you see here. At first it wasn't so bad, but when we left for school on Monday there was literally a pool of water on our kitchen floor. It was quite a day. But thankfully, we work with wonderful people at SPH and they fixed the problem and I came home to a dry kitchen floor, and a fixed problem! :)

Mr. Erik with his grade 10's who absolutely adore him. He and Mr. Ben (also in the back there) are the home room teachers for grade 10. This picture was taken on Indonesian Independence day.

In K-2 we are doing a farm unit. I was so proud of their cute little farmers, I just had to share their hard work with you.

Prayer requests:

Term 1 ends on October 7th ... I can't believe that we are almost done with 1/4 of the year! Please be praying as we wrap up the term with reports cards and parent teacher conferences. Lots of long hours coming up :)

Be praying for the senior school students who just went on a spiritual retreat. Pray that these students would really begin to know Jesus personally in their lives. Some of the Muslim students are beginning to ask many questions. Erik teaches them in Bible class ... [if you would like details on the senior school retreat, click on Chris and Katie's blog link over to the right]

Pray for my students. Pray that even though they are young, they would understand as much as they can the Bible stories and ideas I am teaching to them. We lead the junior school chapel on October 19th ... please be praying that it goes well! :)

I know it is a way's off but as the holiday's are getting closer, Erik and I (especially me) are beginning to feel home sick. We know the Lord wants us here, but we do miss home during these times especially.


What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:

"For your sake we face death all day long: we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Our God is Global!!

A wonderful, simple (but not actually) realization that I have come to lately is that our God is a global God! In America, it is so easy to get stuck in our "American Christian bubble". I used to think things like ... "Sure, God hears and understands other languages, but his first language is English" ... "He likes when we sing worship songs in English to him" ... My God is no such God. He is a God of EVERY language and he is praised and worshiped in millions of other languages and many others peoples, not just English speaking Americans. I know that this is not a profound thought that no one has ever talked about or thought of, but it has hit me hard lately.

Last night Erik and I went to a conference in Jakarta. There was an Indian speaker by the name of Ravi Zacharias and there was also a worship team there that is very popular in Indonesia. As we sat in a stadium full of many different people (mostly believers, but some not I'm sure) I was overwhelmed by my God's global presence in that place. As we sang and prayed in Bahasa Indonesia I could not hold back my tears as I dwelt on the fact that God knows exactly what is being said and thought. We sang an English song that the worship leader wrote called "Hosanna". We basically sang these words over and over again for about 10 minutes .. "Hosanna in the highest. Let our King be lifted up. Hosanna!" I didn't get that on video .. but I did get some of the worship. It definitely won't have the impact that it did being there, but maybe you can get a little taste of God's reign! :)

I LOVE the fact that my God is a global God. I LOVE worshiping with other believers (there is especially something about worshiping him with people who aren't American). I LOVE how my God is present EVERYWHERE!

My prayer is that I would remember the presence and power of our global God. Most importantly, I pray that I would come more and more to the realization that my "Christian walk" is SO not about ME. It is about God, and it is about others coming to know God. God doesn't only love Americans - he wants us all to come to know him - that's the kind of god I am glad that I serve!

The Newsboys put it perfectly:

God of all nations
Lord of creation
It's in the bonds of love we meet
We come together at Your feet

Equal in Your sight
Made one by Your might
You've called us to restore Your lands
And place them back within Your hands

So tonight
Be glorified
Be magnified
As every nation lifts You high
Oh, Father, tonight
It's our desire
To see Your kingdom shine
On earth as in heaven tonight

God of all nations
Lord of creation
Your purpose is our hope, our bread
All You've planned and all You've said

Lord of the heavens
Lord of the ages
The church You build shall never fail
No gate or border will prevail

Be glorified
Lifted up high
It's our desire
So tonight
Be glorified
Lifted up high
It's our desire
Oh, Father, tonight
It's our desire
You're magnified
Lifted up high

All be glorified

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Holiday in Bali

It didn't upload the pictures I uploaded in order so they are all mixed up but here are the high points of our trip to Bali! ...

On Sunday, we went snorkeling in the ocean [obviously]. I was pretty nervous, but it was lots of fun! I didn't swim down too deep, being that I was just getting the hang of it. But I had a great time learning and doing something new! I definitely want to go again! Maybe in Hawaii or Thailand next time ;)

Erik went a little deeper ... He caught on a little faster! :) He loved it, too!

After we went snorkeling, we went to a temple near by. We had to put these "shawls" on cover up our knees. You can see the temple in the background. It was a beautiful view, we got to see the sunset over the Indian ocean, and then watch a traditional fire dance.

Before we went over to the temple (yes we did all this in one day) we went to Turtle Island. It was basically a mini zoo with turtles, birds, and some monkeys. Oh, and snakes!

Me holding the turtle! I thought I was being pretty brave :)

The boat we went snorkeling in. Well, not the exact one, but ours was very similar.

Beautiful sunset!

Okay, we're going backwards in time now. This is on Saturday. After our bike ride (which is down a little) we went to the monkey sanctuary. I was a little skiddish of the monkeys as you can see. But it was neat to see all the little guys (and big) running around. And Erik really enjoyed it.

During the bike ride, we stopped at some rice patties and helped the local women. At least we tried to help. The mud made our feet softer :)

Heading out for our 25k bike ride! It was 98% downhill though .. PTL! :)

Breakfast before the bike ride ... beautiful scenery and yummy food! And GREAT friends :)

At the end of our lonnngg, but wonderful day. Happy friends <3

New day. Friday. After we got some massages in the morning, we spent most of the day relaxing by our wonderful pool.

Where we got our massages! They were definitely FULL body, so it was quite the experience, but very relaxing and wonderful! Glad I had Erik there! :)

Our first day there (Thursday) was spent on Sanur beach. About a 5 minute walk from our hotel. Lots of fun shops there, and a beautiful beach.

Our hotel room. We loved it. It was perfect! :)

We got to eat at some wonderful places this trip, this was one of them!

Well, that pretty much sums it up. We had a lot of fun and felt so blessed each day. The Lord really looked over the details of the trip and kept us safe and healthy. Chris and Katie were wonderful traveling partners. If anyone is interested in a trip to Bali, let us know! :)

We're back in Jakarta now just relaxing at home for the next few days. We have a couple of places in Jakarta we want to see that we haven't had the chance to yet. But mostly, we are just going to relax in our apartment and watch a lot of movies! We are so thankful for this relaxing time! We head back to school Monday, September 5th! We'll be ready! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A day or two in K1 and K2

They were so proud of their puzzle completion! And so was I!

Block center! Boys like to frequent this area!

SO happy to be playing the ABC game!

Red and white on Indonesian Independence Day!

Batik day! Batik is the traditional Indonesian formal wear!

We LOVE to make a mess in K-1

I like to call this shaving cream art :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let's complete the task

Today I listened to David Platt preach on Matthew 24:14. For those of you who don't know the verse at the top of your head, or have a Bible right there, it says this:

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

David focused his attention throughout the sermon on unreached people groups. His main point being that if we complete our task by reaching these people groups, then Jesus will come! As I was listening, I began searching the internet for unreached people groups in Indonesia. There are 7 unreached people groups from Indonesia in the top 100 list of most unreached people groups. WHAT?!? This hit me hard! One of the people groups (the Sunda- they are the largest unreached people group in Indonesia) are in Java [the island we are on]. It is a little hard for me to sit in my comfy apartment, eat my yummy dinner, take a warm shower, and then get into my soft cozy bed and sleep throughout the night without a worry. I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord has placed me and Erik here for a reason. I know he wants us in Jakarta at this time, teaching at the school, and reaching the families and students we are. I have to admit, after hearing David's sermon today, it is a little hard. I want to be with the Sunda people. I want Jesus to return and take me home. And I want as many of the Sunda people with me, as well as other people in the world who haven't heard about Jesus.
Don't get me wrong. I want to be here, too. I just want to make sure that I am not getting too complacent at a Christian school. I want to make sure I am doing what God has called me to do...
David ended his sermon quoting someone I have never heard of. But it really got my attention.
"I know only one thing: Christ has not yet returned; therefore the task is not yet done. When it is done, Christ will come. Our responsibility is not to insist on defining the terms of our task; our responsibility is to complete it. So long as Christ does not return, our work is undone. Let us get busy and complete our mission."
-George Ladd
What does this mean for me at this moment in time? I'm not sure. I'm still chewing on what David and Jesus said. Jesus called us to complete the Great Commission. My prayer is that I would be making disciples daily. Whether that be my students, my parents, people I meet around, or maybe even someday the Sunda people, I know I need to be doing it. It should be number 1 on my to-do list when I wake up in the morning. My desire is to grow closer to Christ daily, and in turn, to draw people to Him.

I have also been listening to Steven Curtis Chapman today. I couldn't help but connect David's message with this song and sing it at the top of my lungs today:

Nobody stood and applauded them
So they knew from the start
This road would not lead to fame
All they really knew for sure was Jesus had called to them
He said "Come follow me" and they came
With reckless abandon they came

Empty nets lying there at the waters edge
Told a story that few could believe and none could explain
How some crazy fishermen agreed to go where Jesus lead
With no thought for what they would gain
For Jesus had called them by name and they answered

We will abandon it all for the sake of the call
No other reason at all but the sake of the call
Wholly devoted to live and to die
For the sake of the call

Drawn like the rivers are drawn to the sea
No turning back for the water cannot help but flow
Once we hear the Savior's call we'll follow wherever he leads
Because of the love He has shown
And because he has called us to go we will answer

We will abandon it all for the sake of the call
No other reason at all but the sake of the call
Wholly devoted to live and to die

Not for the sake of a creed or a cause
Not for a dream or a promise
Simply because it is Jesus who calls
And if we believe we'll obey

If you would like information about unreached people groups I would encourage you to visit this website : - It is a great website with some awesome resources. Jesus calls us all to complete the task of the Great Commission. Let's complete it so we can go home!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A little tour of apartment 307 ...

I posted some pictures of the apartment on Facebook, but I thought I would give my Blogger friends a nice little tour. Some things have changed from the pics on Facebook as we have become more settled in .. [we are really enjoying our little place, and it is slowly becoming our own]

{I finally got a shower curtain ... it really brightened up the bathroom! And it makes taking a shower much more enjoyable}

{Our bedroom. I love the black and white theme}

{Our kitchen table/couch and eating area. It's cute}

{We were very blessed to be given a TV with the apartment. And we love the shelf thing. It has been fun decorating with what we do have. And that door you see off to the left there is our bedroom}

{Cute little chair and side table. And you can see where our balcony is}

{This is what you can find in our fridge. It's probably the fullest it's been}

{Our pantry, or whatever you want to call it}

{And again ...}

{Part of our kitchen}

{View from the kitchen when you walk in ... it's coming along}

There ya have it! I hope you enjoyed the tour! Feel free to come visit anytime! :)