Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful and Blessed

I have loved reading peoples' status updates over the last month about things they are thankful for. I think it's great to stop and think about the things God has so richly blessed us with. I hope that I don't only think about it and acknowledge it during November - but still, nothing wrong in using this time to specifically voice the things we are thankful for :) Here are some things that I have been thankful for over the past few months here in Indo ...

Technology - I don't know what I would do without it. Seriously. I can text my mom every day from my iPod, we FaceTime/Skype at least once a week, and I can use Facebook/Twitter/Blogger to keep up with everyone. It helps me feel connected even while being so far away. Oh, and this year technology has allowed us to watch our favorite shows and keep up with college football and NFL :) 

Our apartment/location - I know I have voiced this before but moving into a new apartment this year has been beyond great. It takes about 2 minutes to walk to school which we love. We are right in Kemang Village so we have a mall {which has a movie theater, Starbucks, and much more} right next door. We are also an elevator ride away from a grocery store - which makes shopping much less of a chore. 

My kiddos - I LOVE my 21 kiddos this year. At the beginning of the year I was missing my kiddos from last year and didn't see how I could love my new class as much as I loved my last -but of course -I do! I still miss my class from last year, but I have fallen so in love with my new kiddos, and they bless me so much and I know it will be another hard and sad goodbye when they have to move up to K3. I am so blessed to be doing what I love doing everyday! 

Friends - I could have never imagined how many close meaningful relationships we would build while we were here. This year, we have built upon the relationships we made last year, and made new ones. We meet once a week with a solid group of friends who challenge and encourage us as we walk with the Lord, and I also meet with an amazing group of girls to study the Bible. The staff at our school is amazing to work with and we love them each so much. My co-teacher Mia is amazing and I don't know what I would do without her as a friend or as a co-teacher. Having such real relationships definitely makes being away from family easier - and it for sure makes life here fun :) 

Vacations (or Holidays as they call them here) - We have been SO blessed to be able to go on so many trips. This year we have already gone to Bali, Vietnam, and Singapore. We are pumped about our next trip to Australia during Christmas time! We will be visiting old friends from when I lived in Auburn, and also staying with great friends we made last year who moved back to Australia at the end of last year. These holidays definitely give us a much needed break from work and from Jakarta- God is so good! 

Growth - Since being here, I have grown in many different ways. Erik and I have grown closer as a couple for one. It is so cool to look back and see how much closer we have come over the past year and a half. Like I shared in a previous blog, I have also "grown up" myself. Having to pray about the decisions we have to make this year have made me feel like such a grown up. I will admit that "growing up" stressed me out a few months ago, but now looking back I am so thankful. God used that time to grow my faith and trust in Him. While I am on the subject of the decisions we will be making, I will take the opportunity to share our plans for next year {2013-2014} ...
As most of you know we have been praying about what we would do next school year since we moved back to Jakarta in July. Through lots of talking, praying, and some tears, we both have an overwhelming peace from God about his will for us. Before we go on Christmas holiday, we will be signing our contract to teach here for another year. Erik and I feel strongly that our time here at SPH is not yet finished. There are many reasons we believe staying is the right choice for next year, and although being away from family for another year is hard to think about, I can honestly tell you that I have incredible peace about it, which is exactly what I have been praying for. Come next December, we will make this decision all over again and we will deal with that when it comes :). Thank you to all who have been praying for us and for this decision. Please continue to pray for us as we have many months left in this school year and as we look forward to another year here as well! 

New opportunities - With that being said, Erik and I are both thankful for the new opportunities that the next school year brings. Erik has been working incredibly hard this year with our sports and PE programs at our school. Being a new school, it's a lot of work! Next year our school has opened up an official Sports Development Coordinator position and Erik has applied and has an interview on Monday {November 19}. Of course, we are not sure he will get the position, but we are excited about the possibility of that for next year. 

The little things- Daily I am thankful for the little things. Erik and I try to find little things we are thankful for each day - it helps our attitudes and it helps us realize on a daily basis what we have to be thankful for. Here some little things that made me smile today ~ sleeping in, rain, cuddles, socks, Skype, college football upsets,  Coke, Harry Potter, chats with my Mama, brownies, and laughter. 

I am overwhelmed by how good God is to us. We don't deserve all the good and wonderful things he gives, and my hope and prayer is that I never forget the cross and what Jesus did on it so I can experience all of God's wonderful blessings. I am under no illusion that life isn't hard. I definitely have bad days and weeks. I know that there are people who are hurting all around me. I think Francis Chan says it well:

"Maybe life's pretty good for you right now. God has given you this good stuff so that you can show the world a person who enjoys blessings, but who is still totally obsessed with God. Or maybe life is tough right now, and everything feels like a struggle. God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great and that knowing Him brings peace and joy, even when life is hard."

My prayer is that when things are good, I enjoy my blessings but still show the world how obsessed I am with God. I also pray than when hard times come that I am just as obsessed with God. In all things, I desire to give Him the glory! 

Thank you all again for your love and prayers - they are definitely felt all the way over here in Indo. Please continue to pray for our school, students and for the work we are doing here. Please pray for us during this holiday season - it's hardest to be away from home and family during these months. Thanks again and we love you all! 

Bye for now <3