After false hope for a few days, we finally have internet up and running in our apartment! When Lauren and Natalie went to Africa when things went wrong that don't usually go wrong in the U.S. they say T.I.A (this is Africa). Erik and I and our friends here have now adopted the phrase and say, T.I.J. (this is Jakarta)! So thanks La and Nat for the phrase! I will give you a couple of examples of things we are realizing most likely only happen in Jakarta:
1. The cable guy calls you 3 times to tell you he is actually coming tomorrow
2. You get lost in a taxi when you are only going 5 blocks
3. It starts pouring rain out of nowhere - really nowhere!!
4. You are stuck in traffic for an hour when you're only traveling 10 miles
5. You think you can get about 5 things done in "x" amount of time, but really you only get 1 thing done :)
6. Every night you hear a very loud call to prayer that goes on for about 2 hours, not to mention at 4:30 every morning
7. One minute you feel like you are in Las Vegas or New York, the other in a 3rd world country
These are just a few that come to mind right away that have already made us laugh and realize wow, we are in Jakarta! Things really have been going great so far. It is taking us awhile to get settled into our apartment. There are just things to buy and things to still do that can make it feel more like home here. SPH (the school we will be teaching at) is amazing! I will be working for 2 amazing principals who have already blessed Erik and I so much! The school itself is out of this world! I have been able to spend some time in my classroom and it coming along. It is a little overwhelming having to start from scratch but I am so blessed by all the amazing staff at the school willing to help. We have met most of the teachers and they are all wonderful. So nice, friendly, and helpful! I am very anxious to get in my classroom and prepare everything. I can't wait until the first day of school comes and everything is ready to go - then I think I will start to feel totally settled. The first day of school is Tuesday, July 23rd. It will be about Monday at 6pm(ish) for most of you when we are starting! We would appreciate prayers that day specifically for sure! I definitely have nerves about the first day of school. While you are praying, please also pray that we would continue to get settled in. Going grocery shopping is a bit overwhelming right now. I don't what is what and obviously, the language barrier is a challenge. The Indonesian people are SO friendly and love to help whenever they understand me.
All in all, we are doing great and adjusting well here. We have a couple of trips to the bathroom (if you know what I mean) but nothing too bad so far. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support in getting us here - please keep praying! :) We love you all and will do a better job of updating you now that we have internet!! Check out my Facebook for some pictures! I will try to upload some here on another blog soon!! Bye for now! :)